Technology vocabulary changes all the time. It also often contains a lot of appropriated English language words, but with a Spanish pronunciation.
- At a mobile phone shop
- Necesito un cargador para este móvil – (I need a charger for this mobile phone)
- ¿Me puede reparar la pantalla? – (Can you repair the screen for me?)
- At an Internet café
- ¿Se puede enchufar mi pendrive? – (Can I plug in my thumb-drive?)
- ¿Cuánto cuesta media hora? – (How much is it for half an hour?)
- At the shops
- ¿Teneís tarjetas de memoría, tipo SD? – (Do you have SD memory cards?)
- Buscaba un cable para mi iPad – (I was looking for a cable for my iPad)
- Quería pilas tipo A triple – (I wanted triple A batteries)
- Wi-Fi (pronounced Wiffy)
- ¿Me puedes decir la contraseña de la Wi-Fi? – (Can you tell me the Wi-Fi password please?) La Wi-Fi is feminine because the word for a network (una red) is feminine.
- ¿Hay Wi-Fi gratis aquí? – (Is there free Wi-Fi here?)
- ¿Cómo se llama la red de Wi-Fi? – (What is the Wi-Fi network called?)
Email in Spanish is correo electronico, but most people in Spain will understand the word email with no problems.
An external hard drive is called un disco duro externo.